Odokotela banesikhathi esilinganiselwe sokubonisana sokucwaninga, ukuxilonga, ukufundisa, nokwelapha iziguli zabo. Ngezithiyo zolimi olwengeziwe kanye nezokuxhumana, lokhu kunomthelela omubi emfundweni yesiguli kanye nolwazi lokuthuthukisa.
Imindeni ehola kancane inokufinyelela okulinganiselwe ezinkundleni zokunakekelwa kwempilo ezihlose ukuthuthukisa ukuqonda kwayo ngokugula nokugcinwa kwezempilo ngaphandle kwendawo yomtholampilo.
Izigulane zifanelwe izixhobo ezibenza bakwazi ukulawula impilo yabo.
Amathuluzi okuphathwa kwezempilo okungapheli okusekelwe emphakathini
Umtapo wolwazi
Ukufinyelela kumabhukwana wezempilo angama-40+ ngesiNgisi, isiXhosa, isiZulu, isiSotho kunye ne Afrikaans.
Imigomo yezempilo
Ukuqapha umgomo wezempilo okusekelwe kumphumela ngamunye.
Ithuluzi lemithi elilula elinezikhumbuzo nomlando wokubambelela emithini.
Hlangana neqembu
Ithimba likaMandla yiqembu lodokotela abasebasha baseNingizimu Afrika abathanda impilo yomphakathi, ukulingana kwezempilo kanye nezixazululo ezintsha zezinkinga zesistimu.
Nkanyiso Hadebe
MBChB | FCA (SA) | PhD Candidate
Dr Nkanyiso Hadebe is from Soweto/Barberton and is a specialist Anaesthesiologist with a special interest in how our lifestyle choices influence our health.
Mark Verryn
MBChB | MPH Health Economics | BMedSc Hons. Human Genetics
Mark was born and raised in Pretoria and is a Medical Doctor with a background in Human Genetics and Public Health. He is fascinated by the socioeconomic factors influencing health.
Gilad Shorer
MBChB (UCT) | BMedSc Hons. Infectious Disease and Immunology
Gilad is from Johannesburg and is a Medical Doctor with experience in Immunology. He has a passion for information systems in health care.
Siyavuya Fikamva
MBChB | MSc Chemical and Systems Biology
Siya hails from Lady Frere and is a Medical Doctor as well as earned a masters degree in Chemical and Systems Biology. He is passionate about people, language and wellness.